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I want to display a 3x1 table with 3 different variables, which are: n, x, Et

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
This is the code where using to find x
This is the actual code I'm using to find the 3 variables: n, x, and Et. What I'm trying to do is make is to display a table, the first column being the variable n, the second column being the variable x, and the third variable being Et. That's what I want todo.

채택된 답변

Cameron 2023년 3월 10일
n = input('Cual es el numero de iteraciones?\n');
x = 1;
for i = 1:n
x = (x+2/x)/2;
Et = abs((sqrt(2)-x)/sqrt(2));
fig = uifigure;
t = uitable(fig);
t.ColumnName = {'n','x','Et'};
t.Data = [n,x,Et];

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