How to access Simulink System Composer

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
John Figueroa
John Figueroa 2023년 3월 4일
답변: Josh Kahn 2023년 3월 6일
Hello - I have Matlab through my unkiversity. I am using the Radar Toolbox User's Guide to learn how to use the toolbox. I am using Matlab R2022a. On page 1-5 of the guide, it instructs to open the top level architecture "open_system('slexRadarArchitectureExample'). However, it does not load the file.
Is System Composer part of Simulink? If so, why can I not open it?
Thank you. John

답변 (1개)

Josh Kahn
Josh Kahn 2023년 3월 6일
Hi John,
Yes, System Composer is a separate toolbox that needs to be installed and can be found in the MATLAB Add-On Explorer.
If your are unable to find the architecture file, make sure that you first load the example using the openExample command:


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