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frequency domain convolution problem

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
MENGZE WU 2023년 2월 20일
편집: Matt J 2023년 2월 21일
I have two rectangular signals in time domain, both of them have amptitude of 1, but different width. The signal 1 have width of 300 and siganl 2 have width of 600. If they were mutiply in time domain, the outcome will be only signal 1, so the output spectrum should be exactly the same as signal 1.
Since the multiplication of the time domain should be equal to convolution of frequency domain, so I convolve their spectrum. The output should be the same as signal 1 spectrum, but instead I get rubbish.
What have I done wrong? Thanks!
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fs = 1;
Tm = 150/fs;
T = Tm/2;
f = linspace(1e-4,0.5,1e6);
Signal_1 = Tm*sin(2*pi*T.*f./fs)./(2*pi*T.*f./fs); % Signal 1 spectrum, sinc function
plot(f, abs(Signal_1))
Tm2 = 300/fs;
T2 = Tm/2;
Signal_2 = Tm2*sin(2*pi*T2.*f./fs)./(2*pi*T2.*f./fs); % Signal 2 spectrum, also sinc function
plot(f, abs(Signal_2))
Output = conv(Signal_1, Signal_2, "same"); % Convolution of Signal 1 and Signal 2 in frequency domain
plot(f, Output)

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2023년 2월 21일
편집: Matt J 2023년 2월 21일
You have only generated half a sinc, rather than a full sinc from -infinity to +infinity.
Keep in mind as well that there will be discretization effects from truncating the sincs to a a finite window and from discrete sampling.
fs = 1;
Tm = 150/fs;
T = Tm/2;
f = linspace(-0.5,0.5,1e4);
Signal_1 = Tm*sin(2*pi*T.*f./fs)./(2*pi*T.*f./fs); % Signal 1 spectrum, sinc function
Tm2 = 300/fs;
T2 = Tm/2;
Signal_2 = Tm2*sin(2*pi*T2.*f./fs)./(2*pi*T2.*f./fs); % Signal 2 spectrum, also sinc function
Output = conv(Signal_1, Signal_2, "same")*(f(2)-f(1)); % Convolution of Signal 1 and Signal 2 in frequency domain
plot(f, Signal_2,'-k',f(1:5:end), Output(1:5:end),'x');legend('Signal 2','Output')

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