How to speed up table merge / concatenation?
조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
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Hello everybody. I have three very large table which I would need to merge. The tables differ in size and variables, however I have a criterion for merging the three of them. Merge can go through concatenation, such as
ceiling = numel(table_1(:,1))
for i=1:ceiling
idx = table_1.ID(i);
idx_size = numel(idx);
table_2_idx = find(table_2.ID == idx);
table_3_idx = find(table_3.ID == idx);
block_table_2 = repelem(table_2(table_2_idx,:), idx_size,1);
block_table_3 = repelem(table_3(table_3_idx,:), idx_size,1);
table_main = [table_main; table_1(i,:) block_table_2 block_table_3];
Indeed, the code above becomes progressively slow as main_table expands. Alternatively, I can do with preallocation, creating a big empty table_main and then allocate each row. However, it doesn't seem to me that I get such a large performance increment. I doubt the function join would give me much advantage as given the nature of IDs in table_1, table_2 and table_3 (the same ID can appear across multiple lines) I would be anyway forced to run the script for each line of table_1.
Any idea would be extremely welcomed as, for a table of size 130,000x14 it takes me half a day to do the merge!
댓글 수: 1
2023년 2월 13일
Most inefficient, yes...
W/O an example dataset its hard (as in impossible) to fully grasp the nuances, but it appears the above is doing the same merge for every possible ID over and over -- unless the ID in table one is unique for each row.
Attach a .mat file with a small(ish) representative example of each of the tables -- 20-30 lines is plenty as long as it is representative of the overall content of the files...
답변 (1개)
Lei Hou
2023년 3월 26일
Hi Andrea,
I'm not sure whether ID in each table is unique (no duplicated value) and whether table_2 and table_3 contain all IDs in table_1. I tried the code you provided. Your code works only when table_2 and table_3 contain one row for each ID in table_1. Based on such assumption, you can use join to merge your tables.
table_1 = table([1;2;3;4],(1:4)',(11:14)','VariableNames',{'ID','t1_Var1','t1_Var2'});
table_2 = table([1;2;3;4;5;6],(21:26)',"s"+(21:26)', rand(6,1),'VariableNames',{'ID','t2_Var1','t2_Var2','t2_Var3'});
table_3 = table([1;3;2;5;4],{'a';'b';'c';'d';'e'},'VariableNames',{'ID','t3_Var1'});
ceiling = numel(table_1(:,1));
table_main = table;
for i=1:ceiling
idx = table_1.ID(i);
idx_size = numel(idx);
table_2_idx = find(table_2.ID == idx);
table_3_idx = find(table_3.ID == idx);
block_table_2 = repelem(table_2(table_2_idx,2:end), idx_size,1);
block_table_3 = repelem(table_3(table_3_idx,2:end), idx_size,1);
table_main = [table_main; [table_1(i,:) block_table_2 block_table_3]];
toc; % On Windows, Elapsed time is 0.007766 seconds.
join(join(table_1,table_2),table_3); % Need to call join twice because join only accepts two input tables.
toc; % On Windows, Elapsed time is 0.001880 seconds.
I checked the performance of join and your workflow. Using join is about 4x faster than your workflow. Please try join and see whether it provides good performance for you.
By the way, your code errors if table_1, table_2 and table_3 all contain ID variable.
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