How can I change the resolution of my plots?
조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
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Hi everyone,
I am going to plot contour line maps using the code below. My problem is that some contour numbers can not be distinguished in some of the plots. Is there any way to adjust plots' resolution so that one can read contour numbers without any difficulty?
close all
data = cell2mat(POFDE);
[lat,lon] = meshgrid(unique(data(:,1)),unique(data(:,2)));
for i = 1:(size(data, 2)-2)
I = scatteredInterpolant(data(:,[1 2]), data(:,i+2));
title(['The probability of frost depth exceedance of \Omega_{\delta} = ' num2str(i) ' feet'])
exportgraphics(gca, sprintf('FrostPlot_%d_feet.png', i))
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Matt J
2023년 2월 11일
You can zoom in the portion of the contour plot where you want the contour labels better resolved, e.g.,
openfig untitled.fig
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