
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
直暉 田鴈
直暉 田鴈 2023년 2월 10일
댓글: 直暉 田鴈 2023년 2월 11일
camExtrinsics = estimateExtrinsics(imagePoints, worldPoints, camIntrinsics);
  댓글 수: 2
Tohru Kikawada
Tohru Kikawada 2023년 2월 10일
直暉 田鴈
直暉 田鴈 2023년 2월 10일
이동: Atsushi Ueno 2023년 2월 10일
キャリブレーション イメージの準備
numImages = 9;
files = cell(1, numImages);
for i = 1:numImages
files{i} = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', 'visiondata', ...
'calibration', 'slr', sprintf('image%d.jpg', i));
% Display one of the calibration images
magnification = 25;
I = imread(files{1});
figure; imshow(I, InitialMagnification = magnification);
title("One of the Calibration Images");
カメラ パラメータの推定
% Detect the checkerboard corners in the images.
[imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(files);
% Generate the world coordinates of the checkerboard corners in the
% pattern-centric coordinate system, with the upper-left corner at (0,0).
squareSize = 29; % in millimeters
worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize);
% Calibrate the camera.
imageSize = [size(I, 1), size(I, 2)];
cameraParams = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoints, worldPoints, ...
ImageSize = imageSize);
% Evaluate calibration accuracy.
figure; showReprojectionErrors(cameraParams);
title("Reprojection Errors");
imOrig = imread(fullfile(matlabroot, "toolbox", "vision", "visiondata", ...
"calibration", "slr", "image9.jpg"));
figure; imshow(imOrig, InitialMagnification = magnification);
title("Input Image");
% Since the lens introduced little distortion, use 'full' output view to illustrate that
% the image was undistored. If we used the default 'same' option, it would be difficult
% to notice any difference when compared to the original image. Notice the small black borders.
[im, newOrigin] = undistortImage(imOrig, cameraParams, OutputView = "full");
figure; imshow(im, InitialMagnification = magnification);
title("Undistorted Image");
% Convert the image to the HSV color space.
imHSV = rgb2hsv(im);
% Get the saturation channel.
saturation = imHSV(:, :, 2);
% Threshold the image
t = graythresh(saturation);
imCoin = (saturation > t);
figure; imshow(imCoin, InitialMagnification = magnification);
title("Segmented Coins");
% Find connected components.
blobAnalysis = vision.BlobAnalysis(AreaOutputPort = true,...
CentroidOutputPort = false,...
BoundingBoxOutputPort = true,...
MinimumBlobArea = 200, ExcludeBorderBlobs = true);
[areas, boxes] = step(blobAnalysis, imCoin);
% Sort connected components in descending order by area
[~, idx] = sort(areas, "Descend");
% Get the two largest components.
boxes = double(boxes(idx(1:2), :));
% Reduce the size of the image for display.
scale = magnification / 100;
imDetectedCoins = imresize(im, scale);
% Insert labels for the coins.
imDetectedCoins = insertObjectAnnotation(imDetectedCoins, "rectangle", ...
scale * boxes, "penny");
figure; imshow(imDetectedCoins);
title("Detected Coins");
% Detect the checkerboard.
[imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(im);
% Adjust the imagePoints so that they are expressed in the coordinate system
% used in the original image, before it was undistorted. This adjustment
% makes it compatible with the cameraParameters object computed for the original image.
imagePoints = imagePoints + newOrigin; % adds newOrigin to every row of imagePoints
% Extract camera intrinsics.
camIntrinsics = cameraParams.Intrinsics;
% Compute extrinsic parameters of the camera.↓ココ↓
camExtrinsics = estimateExtrinsics(imagePoints, worldPoints, camIntrinsics);
% Adjust upper left corners of bounding boxes for coordinate system shift
% caused by undistortImage with output view of 'full'. This would not be
% needed if the output was 'same'. The adjustment makes the points compatible
% with the cameraParameters of the original image.
boxes = boxes + [newOrigin, 0, 0]; % zero padding is added for width and height
% Get the top-left and the top-right corners.
box1 = double(boxes(1, :));
imagePoints1 = [box1(1:2); ...
box1(1) + box1(3), box1(2)];
% Get the world coordinates of the corners
worldPoints1 = img2world2d(imagePoints1, camExtrinsics, camIntrinsics);
% Compute the diameter of the coin in millimeters.
d = worldPoints1(2, :) - worldPoints1(1, :);
diameterInMillimeters = hypot(d(1), d(2));
fprintf("Measured diameter of one penny = %0.2f mm\n", diameterInMillimeters);
% Get the top-left and the top-right corners.
box2 = double(boxes(2, :));
imagePoints2 = [box2(1:2); ...
box2(1) + box2(3), box2(2)];
% Apply the inverse transformation from image to world
worldPoints2 = img2world2d(imagePoints2, camExtrinsics, camIntrinsics);
% Compute the diameter of the coin in millimeters.
d = worldPoints2(2, :) - worldPoints2(1, :);
diameterInMillimeters = hypot(d(1), d(2));
fprintf("Measured diameter of the other penny = %0.2f mm\n", diameterInMillimeters);
% Compute the center of the first coin in the image.
center1_image = box1(1:2) + box1(3:4)/2;
% Convert to world coordinates.
center1_world = img2world2d(center1_image, camExtrinsics, camIntrinsics);
% Remember to add the 0 z-coordinate.
center1_world = [center1_world 0];
% Compute the distance to the camera.
cameraPose = extr2pose(camExtrinsics);
cameraLocation = cameraPose.Translation;
distanceToCamera = norm(center1_world - cameraLocation);
fprintf("Distance from the camera to the first penny = %0.2f mm\n", ...

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답변 (1개)

Tohru Kikawada
Tohru Kikawada 2023년 2월 10일
estimateExtrinsicsはR2022bで導入された関数となっております。(ドキュメント下部にIntroduced in R2022bとございます。)
今回の例題についてはドキュメンテーション右上の「Copy Command」をクリックすることで例題を開くためのコマンドをコピーすることができます。こちらをお持ちのMATLABで実行いただければ対応している例題を開いていただけます。
  댓글 수: 1
直暉 田鴈
直暉 田鴈 2023년 2월 11일

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