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I want to use lookup table(LUT) with two entries i.e. m and error (with respect to m). Later, I want to fetch stored error from LUT by m values. Any one please suggest me ?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Two entries for lookup table are:
m = [0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 100];
error = [0.1229 1.2106 2.3099 4.0651 0 -4.0651 -2.3099 -1.2106 -0.1229];
Later, i want to fetch error value with respect to m.
For example: for m=0.1, error(m)=1.2106.
Anyone please suggest me some idea??

채택된 답변

Seth Furman
Seth Furman 2023년 3월 7일
Consider dictionary.
m = [0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 100];
err = [0.1229 1.2106 2.3099 4.0651 0 -4.0651 -2.3099 -1.2106 -0.1229];
d = dictionary(m,err)
d =
dictionary (doubledouble) with 9 entries: 0.0100 ⟼ 0.1229 0.1000 ⟼ 1.2106 0.2000 ⟼ 2.3099 0.5000 ⟼ 4.0651 1 ⟼ 0 2 ⟼ -4.0651 5 ⟼ -2.3099 10 ⟼ -1.2106 100 ⟼ -0.1229
ans = 1.2106

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