how to combine geometry's to single geometry variable after using importGeometry?

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Hello all I want to plot object I created in CAD software and than visualies rotation according to euler angles or quaternions.
The object\component containes multiple bodyies, so I used importGeometry function for each STL (for each body).
how can i combine all the geomtrys of all the imported stl files together to single geometry? i want them all to move as one rigid body.
thank you very much.

답변 (1개)

Balavignesh 2023년 2월 15일
Hi Eyal,
I understand that you are importing geometries from multiple STL.
The addCell function will be useful if you wish to combine two 3D-geometries by adding one within a cell of another.
Hope this helps


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