write the next column of one array to the previous column of another array

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Vecihi He
Vecihi He 2023년 1월 22일
답변: Sargondjani 2023년 1월 22일
if (k~=i)>0)
for l=1:L1
I(:,k,b) = aa(k,:,l,b)' ;
Here, for the case where k=i, 0 is entered in the kth column of the I matrix, but I don't want 0 to be entered and I want the next k+1 value of the aa matrix to be written in the kth column of the I matrix. So K=10 but I want to remove the case where k=i and make the size of the I matrix 9. How can I do this?
  댓글 수: 1
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 1월 22일
It is quite unclear what exactly you want to do.
"So K=10 but I want to remove the case where k=i and make the size of the I matrix 9."
For which matrix do you want to make the size 9? Which dimension of size? We don't know the size of arrays I and aa.
It will be better if you give a proper example with data of what you want to do.

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답변 (1개)

Sargondjani 2023년 1월 22일
One problem in your current code is that you are overwriting I(:,k,b) for every l. so you might as well use:
for l=L1
(instead of for l=1:L1 )
Anyway, i think you want something like
i2 = 0
for i=1:k
if (k~=i)
I(:,i2,b) = aa(i,:,l,b)' ;


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