How this write in summation form in matlab a0*b0+a1*b​1+........​..........​.an*bn?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Abu Zar
Abu Zar 2023년 1월 10일
편집: Dyuman Joshi 2023년 1월 10일
limit is from 0 to n
  댓글 수: 3
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 1월 10일
Thanks for the correction @John D'Errico, I overlooked it
the cyclist
the cyclist 2023년 1월 10일
편집: the cyclist 2023년 1월 10일
The solution in @Dyuman Joshi's comment above assumes that a and b are row vectors. If they are column vectors, it will result in matrix output.
Better to use dot(), I would say. See my solution.

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the cyclist
the cyclist 2023년 1월 10일
Assuming you actually have vectors, and not variables named a0, a1, a2, etc., then you can use the dot function:
a = [1 2 3]';
b = [4 5 6];
ans = 32
Note that this will work on row vectors, column vectors, or even a mixture (which is how I defined them in this example).

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