Readin a txt file and exporting the data in a matrix.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Aleksej Herman
Aleksej Herman 2023년 1월 4일
편집: Karim 2023년 1월 4일
I need to exporst data from a txt. file in to mathlab. The numbers in txt. file are all ready in a matrix formation and i just need to read them in the right way. Note that the numbers are some what large. The other problem that i have is that some numbers are displaying like 5,38470670569894e-006 and i don 't know how to read the properly in matrix. The whole matrx in txt. looks like this:
0,001966941955184562 -0,003911512580972464 0,00196164813178966
0,001966941955184562 -0,003911512580972464 0,00196164813178966
0,002577327392424367 -0,003881618060113118 0,001321240553858325
0,003104487507226005 -0,003743335025340043 0,000655344148882383
0,003463648846379058 -0,003442060440921823 -6,899788122126903e-006
0,003766180779081077 -0,003084873825043694 -0,0006684846048228966
0,003904885945573184 -0,002559912110221542 -0,001333433616451176
0,003934934977298256 -0,001952111878076424 -0,001973473347759163
0,003905486096653731 -0,001314829321774319 -0,002584322588132094
0,003767358509522823 -0,0006529690917697279 -0,003111859109363536
0,003464985497078341 5,38470670569894e-006 -0,003470922583919695
0,003106816885531419 0,0006633761522620112 -0,003773810469032729
0,002579929597948367 0,001324024272730192 -0,003911300486504994
0,001970058714798917 0,001960763452954201 -0,003941156856031188
0,001330836839789801 0,002568328282739562 -0,003911653438410438
0,0006668036126518278 0,00309283850926659 -0,003773381208410974
5,9464362119452e-006 0,003449577990228116 -0,003471092606754313
-0,0006555661244248223 0,003750568084037704 -0,003112348148352735
-0,001320779285360738 0,003887961026460433 -0,002584947069810056
-0,001960979642474189 0,003917270076665622 -0,001974125585754281
-0,00257143584067414 0,003887200872328649 -0,001333484870813462
-0,003098034960566031 0,00374829266150665 -0,0006675364675250792
-0,003456406220448119 0,003445844536245728 -4,946236053912992e-006

답변 (1개)

Karim 2023년 1월 4일
편집: Karim 2023년 1월 4일
you can use the readmatrix function, remember to se the decimal seperator to a comma for you data
% 'format long' is only used to print more decimal number to the screen
% you don't need to use this in your code
format long
matrix = readmatrix( 'matrix_values.txt' ,"DecimalSeparator",",")
matrix = 23×3
0.001966941955185 -0.003911512580972 0.001961648131790 0.001966941955185 -0.003911512580972 0.001961648131790 0.002577327392424 -0.003881618060113 0.001321240553858 0.003104487507226 -0.003743335025340 0.000655344148882 0.003463648846379 -0.003442060440922 -0.000006899788122 0.003766180779081 -0.003084873825044 -0.000668484604823 0.003904885945573 -0.002559912110222 -0.001333433616451 0.003934934977298 -0.001952111878076 -0.001973473347759 0.003905486096654 -0.001314829321774 -0.002584322588132 0.003767358509523 -0.000652969091770 -0.003111859109364


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