How to put name of images files on workspace ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
fayza nayla
fayza nayla 2023년 1월 3일
댓글: fayza nayla 2023년 1월 4일
i have this code to store the number of white pixels that multiple images have. i store it in count variable and it worked but i also want it to also put the file name of images on workspace instead of only showing the data of number of white pixels in variable count so i could see which number of white pixels each image have.
folder_nrml = ('/Users/*/Documents/MATLAB/regionbased_seg/cv/NORMAL');
file_nrml = dir(fullfile(folder_nrml, '*jpg'));
jumlah_file_nrml = numel(file_nrml);
training_data_nrml = zeros(jumlah_file_nrml);
count = [];
for k = 1:jumlah_file_nrml
I = imread(fullfile(folder_nrml, file_nrml(k).name));
BW1 = edge(I, 'canny');
[m,n]= size(BW1);
%%count = [];
calc = 0;
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
if BW1(i,j) == 1
calc = calc+1;
count = [count;calc];
here is how the data store on count variable :
  댓글 수: 2
MarKf 2023년 1월 3일
Is this is an extension to the question you just asked? Or was my answer not what you were asking?
This is anyway another basic matlab operations question, so do take some time to look at the resources, I assure you it'd save time, and I do mean yours.
The name you want to add next to the numbers is a string, so you'd need a different kind of variable than double (just numbers). You could make a cell ( cell_count(k,:) = {file_nrml(k).name, calc}; no need to preallocate) or a table or fprintf what you need
fayza nayla
fayza nayla 2023년 1월 4일
thank you for your answer Marco Fusca, iam just started to learn matlab a week ago so basic operations is already hard enough for me but thank you so much for both of your answers

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채택된 답변

cr 2023년 1월 3일
count = {};
instead of count = [];
then replace the count update before imwrite() as
count(end+1,:) = {file_nrml(k).name,calc};

추가 답변 (1개)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023년 1월 3일
I have not the Image Processing Tbx , so I cannot fully use your code , but I believe my suggestions should work
first suggestion, no need for the two inner for loops to find the number of white pixel
this can be done in one line without any for loop
the second suggestio is to store the filename and the count result in a cell array so you have both infos
folder_nrml = ('/Users/*/Documents/MATLAB/regionbased_seg/cv/NORMAL');
file_nrml = dir(fullfile(folder_nrml, '*jpg'));
jumlah_file_nrml = numel(file_nrml);
training_data_nrml = zeros(jumlah_file_nrml);
count = [];
for k = 1:jumlah_file_nrml
filename = file_nrml(k).name;
I = imread(fullfile(folder_nrml, file_nrml(k).name));
BW1 = edge(I, 'canny');
% %%imshow(BW1);
% [m,n]= size(BW1);
%%count = [];
% calc = 0;
% for i = 1 : m
% for j = 1 : n
% if BW1(i,j) == 1
% calc = calc+1;
% %%else
% end
% end
calc = numel(find(BW1>0)); % or == 1 ?
out{k,1} = filename;
out{k,2} = calc;


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