Plotting contour plots of R0 against two parameters

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Bas123 2022년 12월 19일
댓글: Mathieu NOE 2022년 12월 20일
I have been trying to replicate the following graph from the paper, for a class project.
The authors draw contour plots of R0 against beta and zeta. The parameter values and the formula for R0 are given below.
%Basic Reproduction Number
theta = 141302; %recruitment rate
mu = 0.001229; %natural death rate
tau = 0.45; %modification factor for A
zeta = 1/14; %influx from Q to S
beta = 0.88; %transmission coefficient
alpha = 0.75214; %hospitalization rate
q = 0.31167; %influx from Q to I
eta_1 = 0.81692; %influx from E to Q
eta_2 = 0.02557; %influx from E to A
eta_3 = 1/7; %influx from E to I
delta_1 = 0.16673; %disease death rate for A
delta_2 = 0.00147; %disease death rate for I
delta_3 = 0.00038; %disease death rate for J
gamma_1 = 0.00827; %recovery rate for A
gamma_2 = 0.00787; %recovery rate for I
gamma_3 = 0.20186; %recovery rate for J
K_1 = eta_1 + eta_2 + eta_3 + mu
K_2 = zeta + q + mu
K_3 = gamma_1 + delta_1 + mu
K_4 = alpha + gamma_2 + delta_2 + mu
R_0 = beta*(tau*eta_2*K_2*K_4 + K_3*(eta_3*K_2 + eta_1*q))/(K_1*K_2*K_3*K_4)
Any support on drawing the plot would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time!

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Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022년 12월 20일
try this
now beta and zeta must be vectors so that R_0 is a matrix (2D array)
use contourf for the plot
I let you choose which colormap fits best your color taste !
hope it helps
%Basic Reproduction Number
theta = 141302; %recruitment rate
mu = 0.001229; %natural death rate
tau = 0.45; %modification factor for A
% zeta = 1/14; %influx from Q to S
zeta = linspace(0,1,100);
% beta = 0.88; %transmission coefficient
beta = linspace(-0.001,1,100)'; % NB the min value must be slightly negative to let the contour line "0" show up
alpha = 0.75214; %hospitalization rate
q = 0.31167; %influx from Q to I
eta_1 = 0.81692; %influx from E to Q
eta_2 = 0.02557; %influx from E to A
eta_3 = 1/7; %influx from E to I
delta_1 = 0.16673; %disease death rate for A
delta_2 = 0.00147; %disease death rate for I
delta_3 = 0.00038; %disease death rate for J
gamma_1 = 0.00827; %recovery rate for A
gamma_2 = 0.00787; %recovery rate for I
gamma_3 = 0.20186; %recovery rate for J
K_1 = eta_1 + eta_2 + eta_3 + mu;
K_2 = zeta + q + mu;
K_3 = gamma_1 + delta_1 + mu;
K_4 = alpha + gamma_2 + delta_2 + mu;
R_0 = beta.*(tau.*eta_2*K_2.*K_4 + K_3.*(eta_3.*K_2 + eta_1.*q))./(K_1.*K_2.*K_3.*K_4);
% plot
levels = (0:0.2:1.2);
[c,h] = contourf(beta,zeta,R_0',levels);
h.LineWidth = 2; % contour line width (up to you)
  댓글 수: 2
Bas123 2022년 12월 20일
This was perfect, thank you so much!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022년 12월 20일
my pleasure !

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