how to increase 'MaxFunEvals'

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
柊介 小山内
柊介 小山内 2022년 12월 19일
댓글: Torsten 2022년 12월 19일
I want to increase 'maxFunEvals' in my program, but it doesn't work. What is the problem of my program?
clear all;
a = 0.2; %field loss coefficient α[db/km]
alfa = a*log(20)/20;
gamma = 1.3; % fiber non-linearity coefficient 
Ns = 20; %number of span
Ls = 100; %span length[km]
beta2 = 20.7; %dispersion coefficient[ps^2/km]
roll = 0.3; %roll-off of gwdm
%% formula of ρ
syms f f1 f2 real %f,f1,f2 is THz
Le = (1-exp(-2*alfa*Ls))/(2*alfa);
x1(f1,f2,f) = 1-exp(-2*alfa*Ls)*exp(4j*(pi^2)*(f1-f)*(f2-f)*beta2*Ls);%symfun
x2(f1,f2,f) = 2*alfa-(4j*(pi^2)*(f1-f)*(f2-f)*beta2);
p(f1,f2,f) = Le^(-2)*(abs(x1(f1,f2,f)/x2(f1,f2,f)))^2;
%% formula of Gwdm
syms t w k
A = pi*t/T;
x(t)= (sin(A)/A)*(cos(roll*A)/(1-(2*roll*t/T)^2));
X(w) = simplify(fourier(rewrite(x(t),'exp'),t,w));
X(f) =X(2*sym(pi)*f);
X(f)= rewrite(abs(X(f)),'sqrt');
xfunc = matlabFunction(X(f));%@(f)
GWDM(f)= (symsum(xfunc(f+(50e-3)*k),k,-5,5)/((32/8.8)*T));
func = p*GWDM(f1)*GWDM(f2)*GWDM(f1+f2-f);
%% formula of GNLI
pint = @(f)integral2(@(f1,f2)ft(f1,f2,f),-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,'MaxFunEvals',20000);
NLI = @(f)(16/27).*Ns.^1.03.*gamma.^2.*Le.^2.*pint(f); % NLI
%f = -0.3:0.005:0.3;
%hold on
%hold off
  댓글 수: 5
柊介 小山内
柊介 小山内 2022년 12월 19일
편집: 柊介 小山内 2022년 12월 19일
Sorry my program was wrong. if you fix formula of GNLI in my code as below, warning message 'you have reached the maxmum number of function evaluations(10000). the result didn't pass global error test.' will display. I think this warning can solve by increasing MaxFunEvals. but I can't increase the value.
pint = @(f)integral2(@(f1,f2)ft(f1,f2,f),-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,-270.8e-3,270.8e-3);
NLI = @(f)(16/27).*Ns.^1.03.*gamma.^2.*Le.^2.*pint(f); % NLI
I tried to increase value as below, but didn't increase.
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',20000);
pint =@(f)integral2(@(f1,f2)ft(f1,f2,f),-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,-270.8e-3,270.8e-3);
NLI = @(f)(16/27).*Ns.^1.03.*gamma.^2.*Le.^2.*pint(f); % NLI
Torsten 2022년 12월 19일
I suggest you plot NLI for reasonable values of f to see how the function behaves.

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채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2022년 12월 19일
편집: Matt J 2022년 12월 19일
The problem is that integral2 does not support an option called 'MaxFunEvals'. You imagined somehow that it does.
  댓글 수: 1
Matt J
Matt J 2022년 12월 19일
편집: Matt J 2022년 12월 19일
pint = @(f)integral2(@(f1,f2)ft(f1,f2,f),-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,-270.8e-3,270.8e-3,...
NLI = @(f)(16/27).*Ns.^1.03.*gamma.^2.*Le.^2.*pint(f); % NLI
ans = 0.0037

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