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How to determine phase angle of an AC voltage?

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
Mosharof Hossain
Mosharof Hossain 2022년 12월 18일
댓글: Star Strider 2022년 12월 18일
I am plotting phase angle vs frequency of a parallel RLC circuit. But the output plot isn't correct. I think angle(V) is not giving the phase correctly.But if I use angle(Z) instead of angle(V) the response is correct. Is this because V is in time domain not in phasor domain?
Here is my code:
syms t w real
L=20e-3, C=1e-6, R=10^3;
I = 10*exp(1i*w*t);
Z = (1/R+(1/(1i*w*L))+(1i*w*C))^-1;
V = I*Z;
phase_v = angle(V);

답변 (2개)

VBBV 2022년 12월 18일
Z is impedance. And calculated using following expression.
Z = R+jX ;
Where X is the reactance obtained as resultant from L and C. To compute phae angle or response the equation is
Phi = atan(X/R)
So using Z is more appropriate than V. It's relation with time domain is not relevant for phase response

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 12월 18일
Note that ‘v’ is a function of two variables, ‘w’ (that I assume is radian frequency) and ‘t’ (obviously time). The result is a matrix, plotted as a surface, although looking from the top down.
Depending on the result you want, one option is to use the unwrap function (that will likely be useful regardless), another is to define a specific scalar time value, and a third is to make ‘w’ a function of ‘t’, creating a sort of spectrogram plot.
Z = 1/(1/R+(1/(1i*w*L))+(1i*w*C))
is more efficient that raising it to -1.
syms t w real
I = 10*exp(1i*w*t);
Z = (1/R+(1/(1i*w*L))+(1i*w*C))^-1;
V = I*Z
V = 
Variables_in_V = symvar(V)
Variables_in_V = 
phase_v = angle(V);
s = ezsurf(phase_v,[0 100, 0, 20000]) % Need To Define Separate Ranges For 't' And 'w'
s =
Surface with properties: EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: '-' FaceColor: 'flat' FaceLighting: 'flat' FaceAlpha: 1 XData: [60×60 double] YData: [60×60 double] ZData: [60×60 double] CData: [60×60 double] Show all properties
surf(s.XData, s.YData, unwrap(s.ZData)) % The 'unwrap' Function Only Works On Numeric (Not Symbolic) Values
zlabel('Unwrapped Phase')
It is definitely possible to do what you want to do, however you will need to decide on a specific approach.


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