How do I convert a cell array with multiple values per cell into a numerical array with multiple rows?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
I have a cell array called split_newdata_mean which contains multiple cells. Each of these cells contains five values in five rows.
I am looking to create a new numerical array in which the first column contains all the values from the first row of each cell in split_newdata_mean, the second column contains all the values from the second row of the of each cell and so on.
In the end I would have a array with five columns and as many rows as there are cells in split_newdata_mean.
How would that look?
Thank you!

채택된 답변

Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq 2022년 12월 12일
The dimension of the 4th Column of your cell array is 4x1, but the rest of your cell array is 5x1.
b{1,4}=[b{1,4};NaN]; % making equal dimension in the 4th column
new_mat = 5×5
2.9473 0.7736 24.7335 -32.1028 5.4609 7.9357 15.6115 28.3915 51.8624 1.0000 38.3376 62.5463 35.4955 17.6059 35.9168 15.0732 24.9668 3.2505 -21.6557 NaN 57.9756 49.9486 53.4301 45.9361 -17.1092
  댓글 수: 2
lil brain
lil brain 2022년 12월 12일
Thank you!
I am wondering if this code would also work if split_newdata_mean would have more than five cells for example and when other cell arrays would be 4x1 instead of 5x1?
Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq 2022년 12월 12일
If the dimension of cell arrays are equal it's quite easy to simulate.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Torsten 2022년 12월 11일
편집: Torsten 2022년 12월 11일
n = 13;
C = cell(1,n);
for i=1:n
C{i} = rand(5,1);
A = cell2mat(C)
A = 5×13
0.5325 0.8308 0.1696 0.5426 0.8288 0.0943 0.0901 0.0477 0.0088 0.0633 0.7838 0.8152 0.5875 0.5602 0.1857 0.8167 0.0379 0.5943 0.2901 0.4223 0.8979 0.0115 0.7217 0.7769 0.1700 0.9170 0.4148 0.5028 0.0310 0.7531 0.5795 0.2641 0.4806 0.4078 0.3184 0.1249 0.2507 0.0434 0.0765 0.7119 0.2440 0.5009 0.3589 0.4375 0.3808 0.7980 0.3042 0.8358 0.7109 0.7234 0.0162 0.7534 0.0394 0.3821 0.4162 0.1942 0.3561 0.3732 0.5347 0.6053 0.5810 0.8286 0.0096 0.7919 0.1904
ans = 'double'
  댓글 수: 4
lil brain
lil brain 2022년 12월 12일
편집: lil brain 2022년 12월 12일
When I put that into the command window I get the error:
Error using cat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in cell2mat (line 75)
m{n} = cat(2,c{n,:});
Any idea why that is? I have attached the file to the original question.
Torsten 2022년 12월 12일
편집: Torsten 2022년 12월 12일
Yes. Your statement
Each of these cells contains five values in five rows.
is not true.

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