How to save image matrix into structure format for different simulation?
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
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for simulation = 1:iteration
disp('Starting Simulation');
for dates = 1%:100
for bands = [1 2 3 4]
Imfiles_Bands = dir(fullfile(filepath,date(dates).name,'L1C2','*B1.TIF')); %listing the file of band 1
Imfiles = dir(fullfile(filepath,date(dates).name,'L1C2',[,num2str(bands),'.TIF']));
[A, R] = geotiffread(fullfile(Imfiles.folder,; % reading the tif file from band 1 to 7, and getting the name of the file, except the last five characters that are the name of the band
RMUL = 0.0002;
RADD = -0.2;
%calculating TOA reflectance
TOA_REF = ((RMUL)*(single(A))+(RADD));
%Croping the image
targetSize = [500 800];
r = centerCropWindow2d(size(TOA_REF),targetSize);
Cropped_SR = imcrop(TOA_REF,r); % I obtained the matrix size of 500X800
disp('Image Cropped');
%% Here I don't know how save this matrix, so can guys please help me?
SurRef_simulated(bands).SR(simulation) = Cropped_SR;
clear date_dir
save('Simulated300_Surface_Reflectance_MSS5_P39R37_5th','SurRef_simulated', '-v7.3');
Above is my code where I am calculating reflectance and then cropping the image as per my interest. After obtaining the cropped image I want save that matrix for every simulation and bands. I thought to save it in structure format but I am getting error, so can you guys help me to figure out how to save this cropped image matrix.
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