The label component of an edit field is not showing in component browser of app designer

조회 수: 31 (최근 30일)
I am using appdesigner. I added an edit field (which includes an "edit field" and an "edit field label". I changed the name of the edit field to "Env6", and the tag of the edit field changed to "Env6EditField", but the associated label is just called "Label". I want the label to be renamed to "Env6EditFieldLabel", in concordance with my other edit fields & labels, but I can't find the label component in the appdesigners component browser.
If I debug from within a callback, I can see that there is a field of "app" called "Label" (i.e. isfield(app,'Label')==1), but it isn't editable with the appdesigner GUI and not visible in component browser.
How do I edit this?

채택된 답변

Andrew 2022년 12월 1일
편집: Andrew 2022년 12월 2일
I figured it out! If you right click on the relevant object in "Component Browser", there is a checkbox for viewing the associated label. Here's a screenshot example for anyone having similar issues:

추가 답변 (1개)

cr 2022년 12월 1일
편집: cr 2022년 12월 1일
I don't think Label for an edit field exists as a separate object (at least not in very recent versions). It's a part of the editfield object and accessible via the editfield object's Label property. In your case the label can be accessed as app.Env6EditField.Label.
  댓글 수: 5
cr 2022년 12월 5일
You are right. Never noticed it, never needed it. Not sure what purpose it's serving since the object can be accessed using the label property.
Andrew 2022년 12월 6일
Just to be absolutely clear for any future matlab users who see this thread- in my version of matlab, the label property you describe does not exist. Again, it does not exist.
For example, if there is a component called "EditField", then there will be an associated component called "EditFieldLabel". However, the label component that is associated with "EditField" is not a property of "EditField". in code:
the above expression evaluates as false because the label field does not exist.
I am being thorough here for 2 reasons:
  1. cr -- I don't want other users to be confused by your comment if they have the same version of matlab as me.
  2. I don't understand why the label components would ever be separated. This is silly behavior. Maybe a @MathWorks Support Team employee will see this and reunite the labels with their parent components. Pretty please?

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