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how can i convert table of string to a single row vector

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Taha 2022년 11월 28일
답변: Seth Furman 2022년 11월 28일
i want to make a single vector of transcript character as a single row without these symbols " "

답변 (2개)

Voss 2022년 11월 28일
Something like this?
% making a table like yours:
transcript = table(["the"; "discreet"; "forier"; "transform"; "of"],[0.99085; 0.89288; 0.92346; 0.87114; 0.74899], ...
'VariableNames',{'Transcript' 'Confidence'})
transcript = 5×2 table
Transcript Confidence ___________ __________ "the" 0.99085 "discreet" 0.89288 "forier" 0.92346 "transform" 0.87114 "of" 0.74899
% make a row vector of the words in the first column:
result = sprintf('%s',transcript{:,1})
result = 'thediscreetforiertransformof'
% or maybe this is better:
result = sprintf('%s ',transcript{:,1});
result(end) = ''
result = 'the discreet forier transform of'

Seth Furman
Seth Furman 2022년 11월 28일
Better yet, just call join on the Transcript variable
transcript = table(["the"; "discreet"; "forier"; "transform"; "of"],[0.99085; 0.89288; 0.92346; 0.87114; 0.74899], ...
'VariableNames',{'Transcript' 'Confidence'})
transcript = 5×2 table
Transcript Confidence ___________ __________ "the" 0.99085 "discreet" 0.89288 "forier" 0.92346 "transform" 0.87114 "of" 0.74899
ans = "the discreet forier transform of"


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