How do you use the constant block as input to set the parameter value in the Cylinder block in simscape

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I want to control the ‘stroke’ parameter value of the Cylinder in Injector1 in sh_diesel_injection model by the Constant block, and convert the whole model into a dynamic link library.
I set the stroke value through the Constant block and change the 'stroke' parameter value in the Cylinder block through the S-function. but it dosen't work.
set_param('sh_diesel_injection/Injector1/Cylinder','stroke', num2str(u(1))); % 'test' S-Function
I get the following error:
Cannot change parameter 'Piston stroke (stroke)' of 'sh_diesel_injection/Injector1/Cylinder' while simulation is running.
How do I solve this problem? Somebody please help me in this regard.

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