- a cell vector of chars
- a cell vector of mixed char vectors and numeric scalars
- a numeric vector
How can I set xticklabels to an array?
조회 수: 22 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am trying to generate a plot and I need to set the x axis and y axis lables to some value I am calculating.
Initially I was hard coding them as strings but its not really convenient as every time I tune any parameter, I have to redo them. Is there a better way to do so?
noise = [0,1000,3000,5000,7000,9000,11000,13000];
for i=1:length(noise)
snr = [snr,10*log10((1000/noise(i))^2)];
% Need to set xlim as the calculated values in snr.
Currently I am doing something like this
p1 = plot(obj1(1,:)/30);
hold on;
p2 = plot(obj1(4,:)/30);
p3 = plot(obj1(5,:)/30);
p4 = plot(obj1(6,:)/30);
p5 = plot(baseline/30);
phandles = [p1 p2 p3 p4];
for h=1:length(phandles)
set(phandles(h),'LineWidth',3, 'LineStyle', linestyles{h}, 'MarkerSize', myMarkerSize, 'Marker', markers{h});
set(p5,'LineWidth',3, 'LineStyle', ':', 'MarkerSize', myMarkerSize,'Marker', 'x');
xlabel('SNR (dB)')
ylabel('PRR of ACK A');
ylim([0 1.1]);
xticklabels({'Inf','0','-9.54','-13.97','-16.90','-19.08','-20.82','-22.27'}) %need to use an array instead
leg = legend({'x4', 'x2.77', 'x2.04', 'x1','Baseline-A'},'Location','northeast');
leg.FontSize = 30;
title(leg,'Power Ratio (A:B)');
a = get(gca,'XTickLabel');
set(gca,'XTickLabel',a,'fontsize',20,'FontWeight','bold') %changes the font size of axis lables
If someone can point me towards how I can use an array to set xticklabels or yticklabels then it would be really helpful.
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
2022년 11월 18일
편집: DGM
2022년 11월 18일
The array given to xticklabels() doesn't have to be a cell array of chars. It can be
So if you can calculate those values, you could probably just use a numeric input instead of trying to convert to cellchar.
xticklabels([Inf 2:10]) % numeric inf will be printed as "Inf"
댓글 수: 5
2022년 11월 18일
편집: DGM
2022년 11월 18일
Bear in mind that xticks corresponds to the xdata. In this case, that's implicitly the indices of obj2 (i.e. 1:15).
% Values to be plotted
obj2 = [
8 6 16 19 12 21 24 22 18 21 24 30 30 28 30
4 1 8 15 19 20 23 21 16 21 18 30 26 27 30
3 1 6 14 14 20 20 21 18 9 11 17 18 25 26
p1 = plot(obj2(1,:)/30); hold on;
p2 = plot(obj2(2,:)/30);
p3 = plot(obj2(3,:)/30);
x_tick_lab = [0:-10:-120,-150,-200];
xticks(1:15); %Value must be a numeric vector whose values increase.
xticklabels(x_tick_lab); %label them as the original value
That said, I'm kind of confused with what you're trying to do with this relabeling. Using the labels alone to denote a nonlinear scale tends to be visually misleading, and I'm sure you can see how it requires a workflow that is prone to mistakes. If you're trying to force the axis direction to be reversed, you could accomplish that without needing to relabel everything.
% Values to be plotted
obj2 = [
8 6 16 19 12 21 24 22 18 21 24 30 30 28 30
4 1 8 15 19 20 23 21 16 21 18 30 26 27 30
3 1 6 14 14 20 20 21 18 9 11 17 18 25 26
x = [0:-10:-120,-150,-200];
p1 = plot(x,obj2(1,:)/30); hold on;
p2 = plot(x,obj2(2,:)/30);
p3 = plot(x,obj2(3,:)/30);
set(gca,'xdir','reverse') % if you want to flip the axis direction
Granted, I just let this throw the ticks wherever it wanted. If you do want all the ticks, you'd need to specify that, but the labels wouldn't need to be specified.
% Values to be plotted
obj2 = [
8 6 16 19 12 21 24 22 18 21 24 30 30 28 30
4 1 8 15 19 20 23 21 16 21 18 30 26 27 30
3 1 6 14 14 20 20 21 18 9 11 17 18 25 26
x = [0:-10:-120,-150,-200];
p1 = plot(x,obj2(1,:)/30); hold on;
p2 = plot(x,obj2(2,:)/30);
p3 = plot(x,obj2(3,:)/30);
set(gca,'xdir','reverse') % if you want to flip the axis direction
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