Hi all,
Here I am again with a more specific question about a model I am trying to work on (please see attached). So, this is a published model bya group which I wanted to use as an exercise & example to familiarize myself with SimBiology. While I can follow most of the different sections including parameters, compartments and species, it seems that there is a discrepancy with the units "nmolar". While the default units of the model which were used to run the simulation was indeed "nmolar", the program shows error messages when I am trying to re-run the simulation using EXACTLY the same input values, parameters and units that were used initially by the authors. In other words, the units of the species are shown as "nmolar" in the compartments and species section, but this concentration term is not included as an option in the Property Editor section. I do not know how the authors were able to run the simulations without getting error messages.
Am I missing something here? Any help and insights are greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,