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How to calculate repeated calculation using LOOP?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Undrakh 2022년 11월 12일
편집: Karim 2022년 11월 13일
I have 2 tables as below:
NetCh - has 12 column (var1 var2 ... var12) and 9 rows
yPeriod1 - has 1 column and 9 rows
I would like to calculation within each column in NetCh for 12 times and write 12 results (Der1 Der2 .. Der12) in a new table.
Now I have to do by mannually all of them.
Can you please tell me make it small code using LOOP.
NetCh1 = table(NetCh.Var1)
NetCh1.Hangal = (NetCh1{:,1}).*(yPeriod1{:,1})
NetCh1.Haliun = (yPeriod1{:,1}).^2
Tr1 = sum(yPeriod1{:,1})
Br1 = sum(NetCh1{:,1},'omitnan')
Hr1 = sum(NetCh1.Hangal,'omitnan')
Qr1 = sum(NetCh1.Haliun)
Der1 = Br1*Qr1-Tr1*Hr1
NetCh2 = table(NetCh.Var2)
NetCh2.Hangal = (NetCh2{:,1}).*(yPeriod1{:,1})
NetCh2.Haliun = (yPeriod1{:,1}).^2
Tr2 = sum(yPeriod1{:,1})
Br2 = sum(NetCh2{:,1},'omitnan')
Hr2 = sum(NetCh2.Hangal,'omitnan')
Qr2 = sum(NetCh2.Haliun)
Der2 = Br2*Qr2-Tr2*Hr2

채택된 답변

Karim 2022년 11월 12일
편집: Karim 2022년 11월 13일
Note that you can add data (e.g. a .mat file) to your question using the paperclip symbol. Without it is is difficult to validate the process.
To give you an idea on how a for loop could look like:
% EDIT, updated the routine after the OP provided example data
NetCh = readtable("https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1190448/NetCh.xlsx")
NetCh = 9×13 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Var9 Var10 Var11 Var12 Var13 ___________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ {''x2014''} NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 394.01 396.81 398.17 401.94 {''x2015''} 395.06 401.02 403.83 403.84 399.69 398.05 396.48 394.69 398.28 400.21 398.83 403.9 {''x2016''} 405.03 407.51 407.61 408.24 406.89 397.07 398.52 402.05 395.93 397.88 398.82 406 {''x2017''} 405.3 407.8 408.44 410.49 409.54 404.08 404.25 403.03 403.75 404.21 404.41 407.65 {''x2018''} 407.82 409.4 410.47 416.56 410.47 410.48 401.97 402.19 400.87 408.06 408.8 409.09 {''x2019''} 411.23 411.56 414.78 416.27 413.51 406.49 406.72 407.75 407.06 409.13 409.92 414.33 {''x2020''} 414.91 417.22 416.72 415.13 417.22 414.55 404.2 399.96 410.46 414.34 413.88 417.01 {''x2021''} 414.92 409.11 417.77 420.33 417.7 415.39 412.6 407.96 410.13 415.54 415.26 417.36 {''x2022''} 426.89 421.19 422.16 424.54 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
% skip 1 column as it seems to be the vaiable name
numVar = size(NetCh,2)-1;
yPeriodFor = (1:9)';
% create an array to save the results
Der = zeros(numVar,1);
for i = 1:numVar
% extract the current column
% +1 to skip the first column
currData = NetCh{:,i+1};
% do the processing
Hangal = currData.*yPeriodFor;
Haliun = yPeriodFor.^2;
% evaluate the sum's
Tr = sum(yPeriodFor);
Br = sum(currData,'omitnan');
Hr = sum(Hangal,'omitnan');
Qr = sum(Haliun);
% evaluate and save the result
Der(i) = Br*Qr-Tr*Hr;
% display the results
Der = 12×1
1.0e+05 * 1.1619 1.1914 1.1913 1.1940 1.6896 1.6674 1.6668 1.6724 2.6110 2.6242
  댓글 수: 3
Karim 2022년 11월 12일
I made an update to the answer, the reason for the error is that the first column contains text... you need to skip this column in the for loop. See the adjusted answer.
Undrakh 2022년 11월 13일
편집: Undrakh 2022년 11월 13일
Hi Karim,
Thank you a lot. This worked for me. :)
And thank you for your advise

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