help me please to implement algorithm of Baum Welch ,i need it in speech recognition

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
function training=(data) M = 2; Q = 2; left_right = 0; %modele initial prior0 = normalise(rand(Q,1)); transmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q));
[mu0, Sigma0] = mixgauss_init(Q*M, reshape(data, [O T*nex]), cov_type); mu0 = reshape(mu0, [O Q M]); Sigma0 = reshape(Sigma0, [O O Q M]); mixmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,M)); %%%%%%%%%%
[LL, prior1, transmat1, mu1, Sigma1, mixmat1] = mhmm_em(data, prior0, transmat0, mu0, Sigma0, mixmat0, 'max_iter', 2);

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