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train deep learning model in matlab and used deep learning model in android studio

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I was training a deep learning model in matlab, now i want to use this train matlab file in android studio in order to classify images. is it possibile to do. i am converting the matlab file into.onnx but i donot understand how to import in android studio although i was using many technique to do this. is there is an other way to do this or what can i do

답변 (1개)

Sivylla Paraskevopoulou
Sivylla Paraskevopoulou 2022년 10월 17일
Let me start by saying that I have never used Android Studio. However, with a quick search I found that if you have a TensorFlow model, you can generate a TFLite model through TFLite Converter API, and then integrate the TFLite model into your app.
In R2022b, MATLAB introduced the exportNetworkToTensorFlow function that can export MATLAB deep learning models to TensorFlow.


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