How to use "poissrnd" function?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Maria 2022년 10월 4일
편집: Torsten 2022년 10월 5일
I'm trying to use "poissrnd" function in order to generate an arrival of task each minute. But i use a time frame in second.
lambda = 4;
v = poissrnd(lambda, 1, 3600);
with this command , i get an arrival each second, but i want the result "task/ min"
T=3600 and taux =1 s
lambda = 4 task/ min
i will be grateful if you could find me a solution! Thank you in advance

답변 (1개)

Torsten 2022년 10월 4일
편집: Torsten 2022년 10월 5일
lambda = 4
What is the unit of lambda ? Mean number of arrivals per minute ?
And you want to get a random vector for arrivals in each second ?
Note that the "3600" in the line
v = poissrnd(lambda, 1, 3600);
has nothing to do with time units (seconds in this case). It's only the number of random values "poissrnd" should return.
  댓글 수: 25
Torsten 2022년 10월 4일
편집: Torsten 2022년 10월 4일
You already used all 60 for the other positions.
If you want a value at position 3600, v must be of size 61:
v = rand(1,61);
m = zeros(1,3600);
m(1) = v(1);
m((1:60)*60) = v(2:61);
All this confusion is unnecessary. The usual way is to put values at positions 1, 61, 121, ..., 3541. Then the distance between the non-zero elements is the same throughout the vector (60) and v has the usual size 1x60.
Maria 2022년 10월 5일
@Torsten okay! i really appreciate your effort ant time, thank you for your help

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