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How to make deployed program directory not read only

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
HpW 2022년 10월 3일
댓글: HpW 2022년 10월 4일
I have a compiled program (prog_name.m) that takes data from an external file (data.csv). The external file needs to be editable by the user, and the data from this external file is loaded into the program.
I included the external file in the "Files installed for your end user" section of the matlab compiler app.
When i install using the generated installer, the program installs to
C:\Program Files\prog_name\application
and in this folder there is my prog_name.exe and the external file (data.csv)
However, this folder always read only, and I can't edit data.csv without a fair amount of headache and changing file permissions. This isn't something I want the users to have to deal with. Is there a way I can make the installed folders not read only?
Im using windows 10 and R2020b

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Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado 2022년 10월 3일
편집: Eric Delgado 2022년 10월 3일
In this case you should use AppData as default installation folder (see below). If this is not a solution, then you should put in the startup of your app a folder validation (Is the folder writable? If not, create a new one in ProgramData Windows folder, for example, copying your file "data.csv").
Your code will be something like that...
if ~isfolder(fullfile(getenv('PROGRAMDATA'), 'TheNameOfYourApp'))
mkdir(fullfile(getenv('PROGRAMDATA'), 'TheNameOfYourApp'))
movefile(fullfile(app.RootFolder, 'data.csv'), fullfile(getenv('PROGRAMDATA'), 'TheNameOfYourApp'));
% app.RootFolder is the path of your app
  댓글 수: 1
HpW 2022년 10월 4일
Chainging the directory for installaton worked

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