Can xlsread (Matlab) read pre-named range in Excel by range name?

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
TingTing 2015년 3월 3일
댓글: John Wilson 2016년 12월 23일
I know xlsread can read precise the range you specify, for example A= xlsread(filename,'Sheet1','I1:I2') However, I have lots of numbers to read and it is not practical to specify all the ranges like 'I1:I2'. Instead, in Excel I have defined a range name for 'I1:I2', like below, area1, however, I can't find if Matlab xlsread can read by Excel range name. Can anyone help? Thanks!

답변 (2개)

Shrirang 2015년 3월 3일
Hi Yiting, I think Matlab xlsread can read by Excel range name. instead of using only one return arg "A= xlsread(filename,'Sheet1','I1:I2') ", use "[A B C] = xlsread(filename,'Sheet1','I1:I2')" Now your variable B and C will containxls data. I hope this will be helpful to you.
  댓글 수: 3
Shrirang 2015년 3월 4일
OK!! Thank you for sharing !!
John Wilson
John Wilson 2016년 12월 23일
Hey Yiting,
I'm having the same issue and I'm a little confused by your solution. I think we are chasing the same problem.
Within Excel VBA: I have defined an object as a range and set it to a range of cells Dim Range1 as Range Set Range1 = Range(Cells(2,3),Cells(45,3))
In Matlab I attempt to call this range using xlsread('blahblah.xlsm','Sheet1','Range1')
I dont think I have any comma separated data. Everything in my Excel sheet is dimensioned as a double. (Possibly an issue of Range taking in Doubles instead on integers)
Thank you for figuring it out I was starting to think it was impossible..

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Konstantinos Sofos
Konstantinos Sofos 2015년 3월 4일
편집: Konstantinos Sofos 2015년 3월 4일
Hi Yiting,
The best and the most efficient solution in such cases is to use another function (Not Matlab standard) which is the myxlsread (attached file) * EDIT *
Inputfile = 'MyFile.xls';
SheetName = 'MySheet';
MyRange1 = 'area1';
[NumericDS1,TextDS1,Excel, ExcelWorkbook] = myxlsread(Inputfile,SheetName,MyRange1 );
MyRange2 = 'A1:C100'; % this is just a dummy choise
NumericDS2= myxlsread(Inputfile,SheetName,MyRange2,Excel, ExcelWorkbook);
This is very fast and open/close the file once.


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