How to plot this feather using a mathematical equation
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Ahmed Mohamed Mansoor
2022년 9월 26일
댓글: Ahmed Mohamed Mansoor
2022년 9월 27일
I came across this image that intruiged me. It is a plot of a feather based on a mathematical equation. I attempted it, but couldn't get it right. Any idea how this could me done? I tried to use vectorisation method instead of a loop for now, but any method should be okay.
P.S: I'm still fairly new with MATLAB.

Here is the code I attempted
clear; close all; clc;
syms x y
f(x,y) = (-9/10) + ( 1 + (1/6) + ((1/(3*pi))*atan(30*( (3/50)-(y+(28/25)).^2 ))) )...
.*(1-(((7*y)/10)+(2/10)).^10).*cos(x-(y/8)-(1/8)*(y+1).^2).^2000 ...
+(1-sin((170*y)- 300*(x-(y/8)-(1/8)*(y+1).^2)^2 + (400/3)*(x-(y/8)-(1/8)*(y+1).^2)^3).^6)...
fc = fcontour(f);
fc.LevelList = [0 0];
Would appreciate the help.
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Davide Masiello
2022년 9월 26일
편집: Davide Masiello
2022년 9월 26일
[x,y] = meshgrid(linspace(-0.4,0.9,1000),linspace(-1.5,1.1,1000));
xy = x-y/8-(1/8)*(y+1).^2;
A = 1+1/6+atan(30*(3/50-(y+28/25).^2))/(3*pi);
B = 1-(7*y/10+2/10).^10;
C = 1-sin(170*y-300*xy.^2+(400/3)*xy.^3).^6;
D = 1/2+atan(400*(1-(14*(xy-1/20).^2+y.^2).^2))/pi;
f = -9/10 + A.*B.*cos(xy).^2000 + C.*D;
f(f>0) = 1;
f(f<0) = 0;
contourf(x,y,f,[0 1])
axis equal
map = [1 1 1 ; 0 0 0];
댓글 수: 5
Davide Masiello
2022년 9월 27일
The code as it it now plots everything all at once.
How exactly do you want to animate it?
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