How can I use html in UItable for draw line??

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
galaxy 2022년 9월 26일
댓글: galaxy 2022년 9월 26일
Hi all,
I want to instead line legend by table.
Following is example.
app.Panel_3.AutoResizeChildren = 'off';
app.ax4 = subplot(1,1,1,'Parent',app.Panel_3);
t_sin = sin(t);
plot(app.ax4,t,t_sin, '-ro', 'DisplayName','sin(t)');
plot(app.ax4,t,tan(t), '-bo', 'DisplayName','tan(t)');
app.UITable.ColumnName = {'Line', 'Name', 'Check'};
%% Get all line of app.ax3
ax4_allLines = findobj(app.ax4, 'type', 'line');
ax4_allLinesName = {};
for id = 1:length(ax4_allLines)
linecolor = rgb2hex(ax4_allLines(id).Color);
marker = ax4_allLines(id).Marker;
if strcmp(marker,'none')
linestyle = ax4_allLines(id).LineStyle;
ax4_allLinesName{end+1, 1} = ['<hr style="height:2px;border-width:0;color: ' linecolor '">'];
ax4_allLinesName{end, 2} = ax4_allLines(id).DisplayName;
ax4_allLinesName{end, 3} = true;
app.UITable.Data = ax4_allLinesName;
% s = uistyle("Interpreter","html");
% addStyle(app.UITable,s);
you can see that, when I tried to use HTML to draw line, it couldn't.
My expect.
Or has marker is excilent.
Do anyone have idea? Could you give me.
Thank you so much

채택된 답변

Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado 2022년 9월 26일
uitable doesn't have a html interpreter. So... below is my approach to this issue.
app.UITable.Data = table(["–––––o–––––"; "–––––o–––––"], ["tan(t)"; "sin(t)"], [true; true]);
s1 = uistyle('FontColor','b', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
s2 = uistyle('FontColor','r', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
addStyle(app.UITable, s1, "cell", [1,1])
addStyle(app.UITable, s2, "cell", [2,1])
You will get...
  댓글 수: 4
Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado 2022년 9월 26일
I think a slider could be a solution. Not as beautiful as controlling directly the panel, but...
% Value changing function: Slider
function SliderValueChanging(app, event)
x1 = (event.Value+1)/2;
x2 = 1-x1;
app.GridLayout.ColumnWidth(1:2) = {sprintf('%fx', x1), sprintf('%fx', x2)};
You could get something like this... (see attached app made in R2021b)
galaxy 2022년 9월 26일
Thank you for your idea.
Yes, I think slider does not beautiful too :)). But it is seem the best way to me now.

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