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"Error using quiver"???

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Ana Vlajnic
Ana Vlajnic 2015년 2월 24일
답변: Alka Nair 2015년 2월 25일
The error I get from my code is as follows:
Error using quiver (line 44)
DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array.
If the input expression contains a symbolic variable, use VPA.
clear all;
syms y t;
f = (2*y - t)/ (2*t - y);
c = (abs(t - y))/ (abs((t + y)^3));
l = sqrt(f.^2 + 1);
[t, y] = meshgrid(-5:0.2:5, -5:0.2:5);
quiver(t, y, 1./l, f./l, 0.5), axis equal tight
xlabel 't', ylabel 'y'
Please tell me what' I'm doing wrong!

답변 (1개)

Alka Nair
Alka Nair 2015년 2월 25일
When the input argument to DOUBLE function is a symbolic expression, MATLAB will output the error message you received.
In this particular case, the arguments to 'quiver' '1./l' and 'f./l' are symbolic expressions. To workaround this issue, Use 'EVAL' to evaluate the symbolic expression.


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