How to not use for loop

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Declan 2022년 9월 7일
댓글: Torsten 2022년 9월 7일
Hi, I have a function that I am trying to get rid of the for loop and rewrite the function so that it doesnt use any loops. I have looked on various links like the Vector Creation ( and Vectorisation ( but I still cant get it to work. Below I have the function with the for loop.
function dfdx = ddx(f, h)
% Add description, name, date, inputs, outputs
dfdx = nan(size(f));
dfdx(1) = (f(2) - f(1))/h;
for j = 2:length(f)-1;
dfdx(j) = 0.5*(f(j+1) - f(j-1))/h;
dfdx(end) = (f(end) - f(end-1))/h;
And here is the code to call the function
format compact
a = randn(2, 1)
x = linspace(-1, 1, 20) % equispaced x
f = a(1) + a(2)*x % function values
dfdx = ddx(f, x(2)-x(1)) % derivatives should be exact for linear
computeError = a(2) - dfdx % should be zeros to 1e-15

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 9월 7일
편집: Star Strider 2022년 9월 7일
Try something like this —
format compact
a = randn(2, 1)
a = 2×1
0.4175 1.4768
x = linspace(-1, 1, 20) % equispaced x
x = 1×20
-1.0000 -0.8947 -0.7895 -0.6842 -0.5789 -0.4737 -0.3684 -0.2632 -0.1579 -0.0526 0.0526 0.1579 0.2632 0.3684 0.4737 0.5789 0.6842 0.7895 0.8947 1.0000
f = a(1) + a(2)*x % function values
f = 1×20
-1.0593 -0.9038 -0.7484 -0.5929 -0.4374 -0.2820 -0.1265 0.0289 0.1844 0.3398 0.4953 0.6507 0.8062 0.9616 1.1171 1.2725 1.4280 1.5835 1.7389 1.8944
dfdx = ddx(f, x(2)-x(1)) % derivatives should be exact for linear
dfdx = 1×20
1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768 1.4768
computeError = a(2) - dfdx % should be zeros to 1e-15
computeError = 1×20
1.0e-14 * -0.0444 -0.0444 0.3775 -0.0444 0.3331 0.1776 0.0666 0.2220 0.1332 0.1332 0.1776 0.1110 0.1776 0.1776 0.1776 0.1776 0.1776 -0.0444 0.3775 -0.0444
function dfdx = ddx(f,h)
dfdx(1) = (f(2) - f(1))/h;
dfdx(2:numel(f)) = (f(2:end) - f(1:end-1))/h;
EDIT — The gradient function already exists to do this, however I’m assuming here that you want to write your own function to do the numerical derivative.
  댓글 수: 4
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 9월 7일
@Declan — As always, my pleasure!
I checked it against the gradient function and both gave the same result.
That was my criterion —
format compact
a = randn(2, 1)
a = 2×1
0.6877 1.4736
x = linspace(-1, 1, 20) % equispaced x
x = 1×20
-1.0000 -0.8947 -0.7895 -0.6842 -0.5789 -0.4737 -0.3684 -0.2632 -0.1579 -0.0526 0.0526 0.1579 0.2632 0.3684 0.4737 0.5789 0.6842 0.7895 0.8947 1.0000
f = a(1) + a(2)*x % function values
f = 1×20
-0.7859 -0.6307 -0.4756 -0.3205 -0.1654 -0.0103 0.1448 0.2999 0.4550 0.6102 0.7653 0.9204 1.0755 1.2306 1.3857 1.5408 1.6959 1.8510 2.0062 2.1613
dfdx = ddx(f, x(2)-x(1)) % derivatives should be exact for linear
dfdx = 1×20
1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736 1.4736
computeError = a(2) - dfdx % should be zeros to 1e-15
computeError = 1×20
1.0e-14 * 0.0666 0.0666 0.2887 -0.1332 0.3775 0.0666 0.1776 0.1776 0.1776 0.1776 0.0666 0.1776 0.2887 0.0666 0.0666 0.2887 0.2887 -0.1332 0.2887 -0.1332
CompareResults = ["gradient" gradient(f, x(2)-x(1)); "ddx" dfdx]
CompareResults = 2×21 string array
"gradient" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "ddx" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736" "1.4736"
function dfdx = ddx(f,h)
dfdx(1) = (f(2) - f(1))/h;
dfdx(2:numel(f)) = (f(2:end) - f(1:end-1))/h;
Torsten 2022년 9월 7일
Yes, for linear functions, centered and forward differencing to approximate the derivative give the same result.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Torsten 2022년 9월 7일
편집: Torsten 2022년 9월 7일
function dfdx = ddx(f, h)
dfdx = gradient(f,h);
  댓글 수: 2
Declan 2022년 9월 7일
Oh, I didnt realise that there was a gradient function inbuilt. Thanks!
Stephen23 2022년 9월 7일
+1 very neat.

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