Is there official Matlab support for VMWare vSphere?

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Nyle Landas
Nyle Landas 2022년 9월 1일
답변: Rishav 2023년 9월 12일
With VMWare vSphere7 supporting 8 NVIDIA/Intel GPUs and vSphere 8 supporting up to 32 NVIDIA/Intel GPUs running Mathworks Matlab on in a virtualized envuironment is very possible. By virutalizing workloads we can more easily spread system resources amognst industry solutions. However, we are relucant to virtualize our Matlab servers until Mathworks officially supports the solution on ESXi 7/8.
Does anyone know if Mathworks officially supports vSphere 7/8 with ESXi or has plans to do so? I know we aren't alone in being able to benefit from this support.

답변 (1개)

Rishav 2023년 9월 12일
Hi Nyle,
MathWorks does not officially support running MATLAB on VMware vSphere, particularly on ESXi 7 or 8.
However MathWorks provides support to people facing issues using these setups when possible.
Thank you,
Rishav Saha


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