change the order of columns in a matrix

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
maryam 2015년 2월 18일
댓글: Michael Haderlein 2015년 2월 18일
hi friends. i have a 8000*300 matrix. i want to change the order of columns so that the most similar columns stand together. could any body help me on this? thank you
  댓글 수: 3
maryam 2015년 2월 18일
for example these are 2 pictures of column 21 and 53. i want data of these columns beside each other. i dont know how to define similarity. any suggestion?
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein 2015년 2월 18일
What is the feature which is important? How do the other columns look like? Does "similarity" mean that you have a strong gradient after x=4000? Does it mean the plateau is around 0.7? Does it mean you have a negative peak after the first big incline? There are so many possibilities, we cannot know what's the point here.

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답변 (1개)

khan 2015년 2월 18일
What do you mean by most similar? Although one thing is that you can order it in aascending or descending order. You will have most similar together..
  댓글 수: 1
maryam 2015년 2월 18일
편집: maryam 2015년 2월 18일
please look at above pictures. do you think i should use clustering method? i dont know any thing about clustering :(

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