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How to find text structure within string array?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg 2022년 8월 15일
댓글: Mark Golberg 2022년 8월 15일
please see below an example of file names I have:
"moose_0_-1_6_Coordinates-8580_138864_ 30-01-21_17-48-22_0.xml"
I've made in bold the required text (which is the date of file creation).
File names can vary a little a bit, but the bold structure would always exist.
Can I search somehow for a specific template/structure within my string?
Something like: ##-##-##_##-##-## (when # <--> digit).
Thank You !

채택된 답변

Stephen23 2022년 8월 15일
편집: Stephen23 2022년 8월 15일
str = "moose_0_-1_6_Coordinates-8580_138864_ 30-01-21_17-48-22_0.xml";
rgx = '\d+-\d+-\d+_\d+-\d+-\d+';
out = regexp(str,rgx,'match','once')
out = "30-01-21_17-48-22"

추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 8월 15일


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