How to customize a colormap?
조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
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I'm plotting a parameter with a range of 0 to 6. Several of my collaborators have been suggesting to create a colormap to go from red to blue at 1 (the critical point <1 means undersaturated, and >1 means supersaturated) to better illustrate the point.
I wonder what's the best way to achieve this within Matlab?
채택된 답변
Star Strider
2022년 7월 30일
Another option —
cm = colormap(turbo(6));
cm = colormap(flipud(turbo(6))); % Optional
cb = colorbar;
cbtix = cb.Ticks;
cb.Ticks = linspace(min(cbtix), max(cbtix), 7);
cb.TickLabels = 0:6;
I am not certain how you want it oriented, so use the flipud function to reverse the direction of the colours (as I did here), if necessary.
댓글 수: 6
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