Extracting specific words from cells within a table column and moving them to new column

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Hello! :)
I have a table with multiple columns, whereby one of the columns includes text.
The column looks somewhat like that. Please note that there are way more rows, and I want to address all of them with the code and not just the ones presented here.
'New Scene was loaded: CastleDown'
'Game is trying to save file'
'Saving successful.'
'New Game File created successfully.'
'New Scene was loaded: Outside'
'Periodic Save...'
'Coin collected'
What I would like to do is to split only those rows who contain the text "New Scene was loaded: XY", whereby I want to extract the last word, such as "CastleDown" or "Outside" and move it to a new column.
So it should look somewhat like that:
'New Scene was loaded:' 'CastleDown'
'Game is trying to save file' ''
'Saving successful.' ''
'New Game File created successfully.' ''
'New Scene was loaded: Outside' 'Outside'
'Periodic Save...' ''
'Coin collected' ''
... ...
Then, I would also like to enter the text extracted and move to the other column to also fill the empty rows below (until the next word), looking like that:
'New Scene was loaded:' 'CastleDown'
'Game is trying to save file' 'CastleDown'
'Saving successful.' 'CastleDown'
'New Game File created successfully.' 'CastleDown'
'New Scene was loaded: Outside' 'Outside'
'Periodic Save...' 'Outside'
'Coin collected' 'Outside'
... ...
I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I appreciate any help regarding that matter!! Thanks in advance!

채택된 답변

Voss 2022년 7월 15일
t = table({ ...
'New Scene was loaded: CastleDown'; ...
'Game is trying to save file'; ...
'Saving successful.'; ...
'New Game File created successfully.'; ...
'New Scene was loaded: Outside'; ...
'Periodic Save...'; ...
'Coin collected'; ...
t = 7×1 table
Status _______________________________________ {'New Scene was loaded: CastleDown' } {'Game is trying to save file' } {'Saving successful.' } {'New Game File created successfully.'} {'New Scene was loaded: Outside' } {'Periodic Save...' } {'Coin collected' }
is_new = startsWith(t.Status,'New Scene was loaded:');
C = split(t.Status(is_new),':')
C = 2×2 cell array
{'New Scene was loaded'} {' CastleDown'} {'New Scene was loaded'} {' Outside' }
t.Status(is_new) = strcat(C(:,1),':')
t = 7×1 table
Status _______________________________________ {'New Scene was loaded:' } {'Game is trying to save file' } {'Saving successful.' } {'New Game File created successfully.'} {'New Scene was loaded:' } {'Periodic Save...' } {'Coin collected' }
scene_name = repmat({''},height(t),1);
scene_name(is_new) = strtrim(C(:,2));
scene_name = fillmissing(scene_name,'previous');
t.Scene = scene_name
t = 7×2 table
Status Scene _______________________________________ ______________ {'New Scene was loaded:' } {'CastleDown'} {'Game is trying to save file' } {'CastleDown'} {'Saving successful.' } {'CastleDown'} {'New Game File created successfully.'} {'CastleDown'} {'New Scene was loaded:' } {'Outside' } {'Periodic Save...' } {'Outside' } {'Coin collected' } {'Outside' }

추가 답변 (1개)

Campion Loong
Campion Loong 2022년 7월 20일
편집: Campion Loong 2022년 7월 20일
Good code indeed. This is almost the same code, but you could go deeper into string with missing handling in the Data Preprocessing ecosystem.
t = table([ ...
"New Scene was loaded: CastleDown"; ...
"Game is trying to save file"; ...
"Saving successful."; ...
"New Game File created successfully."; ...
"New Scene was loaded: Outside"; ...
"Periodic Save..."; ...
"Coin collected"] ...
t.Scence = extractAfter(t.Status,"New Scene was loaded: ");
t.Scence = fillmissing(t.Scence,'previous');
t.Status(startsWith(t.Status,"New Scene was loaded:")) = "New Scence was loaded:"
t = 7×2 table
Status Scence _____________________________________ ____________ "New Scence was loaded:" "CastleDown" "Game is trying to save file" "CastleDown" "Saving successful." "CastleDown" "New Game File created successfully." "CastleDown" "New Scence was loaded:" "Outside" "Periodic Save..." "Outside" "Coin collected" "Outside"


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