Plotting Image intensity from Matrix

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Amit Chakraborty
Amit Chakraborty 2022년 7월 10일
댓글: Amit Chakraborty 2022년 7월 12일
Greetings to all ! I have a 3D matrix which represnts a Sheep_Logan Phantom. Is there any way to plot the intensity ogf the image matrix both in horizontal and vertical direction? I can do the same things with saving an image but I want it from the matrix that I have attached.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 7월 11일
Do you want the profile along some certain row or columns, like
rowProfile = squeeze(image3d(rowNumber, :, sliceNumber));
columnProfile = squeeze(image3d(:, colNumber, sliceNumber));
or do you want the average profile across the entire plane? Or the max projection? Have you seen slice?
  댓글 수: 5
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 7월 12일
I would first get the entire plane as a 2-D image and then use max for the direction you want. For example
image2d = randi(255, 5, 4)
image2d = 5×4
135 151 116 211 98 187 192 160 112 179 167 117 107 77 125 114 35 113 144 28
verticalMaxProjection = max(image2d, [], 2)
verticalMaxProjection = 5×1
211 192 179 125 144
horizontalMaxProjection = max(image2d, [], 1)
horizontalMaxProjection = 1×4
135 187 192 211
Amit Chakraborty
Amit Chakraborty 2022년 7월 12일
@Image Analyst Thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!

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