How to set specific size of a figure with exportgraphics?

조회 수: 51 (최근 30일)
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk 2022년 6월 9일
댓글: Louis Tomczyk 2022년 6월 10일
Dear all,
I would like to save a figure with specific size with function.
I saw answers with but I would like to use the environment.
For example I would like to save with the following size:
(sorry guys, but it might be a good idea to stop using non SI units like inches of whatever ^_^)
How can I do it?
X = 0:10:10;
Y = X;
Title = "hello.png";
F = figure;
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

채택된 답변

Richard Quist
Richard Quist 2022년 6월 9일
@Louis Tomczyk: exportgraphics does not provide an option for specifying an output size. That feature has been requested and is being considered, but I don't have any timeline for when/if that will be implemented.
You may find using the print command as an alternative, where the output size can be controlled by setting the figure's PaperPosition property (see the Printing & Exporting section of the figure properties documentation)
I hope that helps.
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Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk 2022년 6월 10일
Thanks for the clear and direct response.
Even with I can hardly fix both size in and resolution.
So finally I will still use only the resolution or "-depsc" format.
Thanks again
best, louis

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James Tursa
James Tursa 2022년 6월 9일
This doesn't answer your question about controlling exported sizes, but you might be interested in the following export_fig FEX submission maintained by Yair Altman:
  댓글 수: 1
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk 2022년 6월 10일
Yes i saw this, many people mention it.
But I don't know if I want to spend more time on such low importance detail.
Native functions work already quite well.
Thanks for the suggestion,
Best, louis

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