Only E-cores utilized when Matlab is minimized

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Chris 2022년 6월 6일
댓글: Matthias K 2023년 11월 20일
How can I get Matlab to use all cores when Matlab is minimized to taskbar?
My set-up is as follows:
  • R2021b Update 2 (, 64 biy, December 14, 2021
  • Windows 10 Pro, 21H2, ver. 19044.1741, 64-bit
  • 12th Gen Intel i7-12700K
I get the below CPU-utilization in Windows Resource Monitor. Allocated cores are set in Windows Task Manager.
20 cores allocated, Matlab maximized; avg. cpu = 23.5:
20 cores allocated, Matlab minimized; avg. cpu = 10.8 and only the 4 E-cores are used:
16 P-cores allocated, Matlab maximized; avg. cpu = 7.4:
16 P-cores allocated, Matlab minimized; avg. cpu = 7.6:
To utilize all cores, I most have Matlab maximized and visible to the eye. It means I can only run one Matlab session and not use the computer meanwhile.
  댓글 수: 3
Jan 2023년 1월 20일
편집: Jan 2023년 1월 20일
Windows 10 cannot handle the E/P cores as efficiently as Windows 11, as far as I know.
Where does the featuer "visible to the eye" come into play? What happens if you move the Matlab Window out of the monitor? What about reducing the size until the window does not bother anymore?
Chris 2023년 10월 5일
I was able to work in another program as long as the other program's windows was reduced and Matlab's window was maximised behind it, but only that Matlab session would utilize all cores.

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답변 (1개)

Animesh 2023년 10월 4일
Hello Chris,
According to my understanding, you are experiencing performance issues with MATLAB on Windows 10 while using an Intel i7-12700K processor. Since it is recommended to use Windows 11 with 12th Gen Intel Processors, I would suggest upgrading to Windows 11 to resolve most of the CPU performance-related issues.
  댓글 수: 2
Chris 2023년 10월 5일
Thank you, I will do that. I tried Windows 11 at that time but Matlab crashed after 10-20 hours of computation. The new Intel socket was just released and many motherboard manufacturers had problems with RAM in the early BIOS versions (both Win 10 and 11). So the reasons for unstable system could have been win11, new Intel or new Matlab versions. However, I got it stable with Win 10, but in the Task Manager I hade to untick the E-cores to run multiple Matlab sessions using the P-cores.
Matthias K
Matthias K 2023년 11월 20일
I'm facing the same problem as you. Did you by any chance make the update to win11? And did it fix the problem?
Thanks in advance

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