Doubt regarding ode45 plotting

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar 2015년 1월 27일
편집: Pavan Kumar 2015년 2월 3일
Dear Friends,
I need to plot ABS(B(1)) Vs delk in the following program code. How can i include delk variable in the ode45 function calling line.

채택된 답변

Torsten 2015년 1월 28일
Please make more clear what you try to plot.
As far as I can see, delk is a model parameter (scalar).
B is a vector (solution at different times).
You can't plot a vector over a scalar.
I guess you want to plot different solutions B over time for different values of delk.
For this puropse, you have to generate different solutions B (e.g. in a loop in which you call ODE45 several times for changing values of delk).
Best wishes
  댓글 수: 9
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar 2015년 1월 29일
Thanks a lot..Will try it and come back to you
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar 2015년 2월 2일
Hii Torsten,
your advise really helped. Thanks a trillion bro...

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추가 답변 (1개)

Sara 2015년 1월 27일
Then the function becomes:
function dB = DFG789(Z1,B,var_1)
  댓글 수: 1
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar 2015년 1월 28일
편집: Pavan Kumar 2015년 1월 28일
Hii Sara, Thanks for the advise.
I made the following changes
[Z1,B] = ode45(@(t,x)DFG789(t,x,delk),[0 3],[(0.1) 0 1],delk); and
function dB = DFG789(Z1,B,delk)
However, when i try to execute
i get the following errors. What can i do?

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