Matlab help. How to add a file into matlab?

조회 수: 101 (최근 30일)
lim -
lim - 2015년 1월 21일
댓글: Thorsten 2015년 1월 21일
Wanted to use this file for matlab, but dont know how to use it.
How do I add it? Where in the folder do i place it? How to load it or something, etc.

채택된 답변

Thorsten 2015년 1월 21일
The quick way is to find out current directory (the Present Working Directory)
and copy the file to this folder.
If you like to keep the downloaded function(s) separated from your mfiles, which is always a good idea, you can create a folder somewhere on your system, e.g.,
and add this folder to Matlab's search path
If you download a whole package with lot's of files that are all in one directory, say, "Awesomefunctions" you have to add this directory
If the the Awesomefunctions contains itself some subfolders, you use
If you want to permanently add this path for future sessions of Matlab, use
If you more into clicking than typing, just use File -> Set Path ... -> Add Folder (or Add with Subfolders) and then Save the path.

추가 답변 (1개)

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2015년 1월 21일
Lim - create a folder within your MATLAB search path, download the files, and copy them into this folder. Then add this folder and all sub-directories (if any exist) to the search path.
  댓글 수: 2
lim -
lim - 2015년 1월 21일
how do you add all the items in the sub-directories into the search path?
Thorsten 2015년 1월 21일
See my answer below.

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