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matlab2014b generates libGL error: unable to load driver: nouveau_dri.so at startup

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hi I have just installed matlab2014b on a new install of RedHat Linux 6.6, and when I start matlab, I get the following error
ibGL error: dlopen /usr/lib64/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib64/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) libGL error: unable to load driver: nouveau_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
Matlab runs and appears to work OK, but I would like to know how to fix this.
THanks, Jim

채택된 답변

Bjorn Nilsson
Bjorn Nilsson 2015년 1월 23일
Same problem here. I fetched
and unpacked with
rpm2cpio mesa-dri-drivers-8.0.5-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
There is then a version of the missing driver file in usr/lib64/dri/nouveau_dri.so
which I copied to /usr/lib64/dri/nouveau_dri.so
Then the complaint disappears, and MATLAB R2014b seems to work
  댓글 수: 2
Jim Stockel
Jim Stockel 2015년 1월 23일
Excellent, that worked. How did you track down that driver?
THanks a bunch!!! Regards, Jim
Jacob 2015년 1월 30일
I have the same issue on my newly installed fedora21. I tried your solution, but unfortunately the screen went blank when copying the file. I had to re-install my Linux distro since I was not able to log in after it shut down.
The error from MATLAB prompt is:
libGL error: unable to load driver: nouveau_dri.so
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.

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추가 답변 (2개)

Nade Sritanyaratana
Nade Sritanyaratana 2015년 3월 19일
Hi Jacob,
Were you able to figure out the issue with your system configurations?
If not, try out the steps outlined in the following link (regarding an older release but may still be relevant here): http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/94805-why-does-my-linux-hardware-opengl-not-work-properly
Let me know if this works. Good luck!

AKM 2016년 10월 3일
Hi all,
I am Ph.D student and new to metlab after successful installation of matlab 2016b i got this error in the command line.
root@AJAY-Genome:/programinstallers/Matlab-2016b/bin/glnxa64# ./MATLAB libGL error: unable to load driver: nouveau_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau libGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
and Below error in the matlab main window when its get open. Please help me to solve issue i am very much thanful to you . for your kind information i am running ubuntu 16


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