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How to put into equal number of concentric arcs sector (levels) based on the mass flux distribution values?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
This below code is creating concentric sector (120 deg) plot in irregular spacing patterns (with color) based on mass flux values.
How to make circular concentric arcs into equidistant 8 levels based on the r values (r = 0, 0.05, 0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45,0.55,0.65,0.75)
with mass flux values such that 0.032892022 value for concentric sector 1 (0 to 0.05 m), 0.094299304 for concentric sector 2 (0.05 m to 0.15 m) and so on.....
z1 = [0.032892022, 0.094299304, 0.07752172, 0.0437234, 0.027818958, 0.02382019, 0.020690143, 0.008658787] ; %mass flux values kg/m2.s
n = 120;
r = [0,0.05:0.1:0.75]; %sector radius
theta = deg2rad(0:n);
z1 = [0.032892022, 0.094299304, 0.07752172, 0.0437234, 0.027818958, 0.02382019, 0.020690143, 0.008658787, 0.00]; %mass flux values kg/m2.s
X = cos(theta') * r;
Y = sin(theta') * r;
Z = repmat(z1, [length(theta), 1]);
contourf (X, Y, Z, 5); axis equal
shading interp
colormap (jet(100))
n = 120;
r = [0,0.05:0.1:0.75]; %sector radius
theta = deg2rad(0:n);
z1 = [0.032892022, 0.094299304, 0.07752172, 0.0437234, 0.027818958, 0.02382019, 0.020690143, 0.008658787, 0.00]; %mass flux values kg/m2.s
X = cos(theta') * r;
Y = sin(theta') * r;
Z = repmat(z1, [length(theta), 1]);
contourf (X, Y, Z, 5); axis equal
shading interp
colormap (jet(100))

답변 (1개)

Maneet Kaur Bagga
Maneet Kaur Bagga 2023년 12월 27일
Hi Raghav,
As per my understanding, to create a polar plot that visualizes mass flux data within a 120-degree sector. The sector is divided into 8 equidistant concentric segments based on given radii. Each segment is colored according to its corresponding mass flux value.
The error which is not producing the desired result is because:
  • The radii are specified with a range from 0 to 0.75 with an increment of 0.1, starting from 0.05 (r = [0,0.05:0.1:0.75];). This creates non-uniform gaps between the radii because the first gap is only 0.05 while the others are 0.1.
  • The z1 array has one more element than the r array, which would cause an error when trying to create the Z matrix with repmat(z1, [length(theta), 1]). The number of mass flux values (z1) should match the number of intervals between the radii, not the number of radii themselves.
  • The "contourf" function is used to create filled contours, but for it to produce a plot with equidistant concentric circles, the Z values must be defined over a grid that reflects the radial symmetry.
Please refer to the modified code below for better understanding:
% Given radii and mass flux values
r = [0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75];
z1 = [0.032892022, 0.094299304, 0.07752172, 0.0437234, 0.027818958, 0.02382019, 0.020690143, 0.008658787];
% Define the angle for the 120-degree arc in radians
theta_start = 0; % 0 degrees
theta_end = 2*pi/3; % 120 degrees
n_theta = 100; % Number of angular points (for smoothness of the plot)
% Prepare figure
hold on;
axis equal;
colormap jet;
% Define the range of angles for the 120-degree arc
theta = linspace(theta_start, theta_end, n_theta);
% Plot each sector
for i = 1:length(z1)
% Define the vertices of the sector within the 120-degree arc
x_inner = r(i) * cos(theta);
y_inner = r(i) * sin(theta);
x_outer = r(i+1) * cos(theta);
y_outer = r(i+1) * sin(theta);
% Combine the vertices to form a closed shape for the sector
x_sector = [x_inner, fliplr(x_outer)];
y_sector = [y_inner, fliplr(y_outer)];
% Fill the sector with the appropriate color
fill(x_sector, y_sector, z1(i), 'EdgeColor', 'k'); % Add black edge color to distinguish sectors
% Add a line to indicate the segment on the x-axis
line([0, r(end)], [0, 0], 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 2); % Draw radius segment on x-axis
% Add a colorbar
caxis([min(z1) max(z1)]);
% Set limits for the plot to improve visibility
xlim([0, max(r)]);
ylim([0, max(r)]);
% Release the figure
hold off; %Zoom out the figure to see the 120 degree sector
Hope this helps!


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