Hi Guys and Girls,
atm im working on a GUI that displays a set of data in different UIAxes (as shown in picture below).
The six plots you can see in the picture are called app.UIAxes2_(2:7)
I want to add the functionality, that all of the UIAxes are saved at once either in clipboard or/and as an image file (I am aware that I could do that by Shft+Win+S, lets assume we dont have that option).
I experimented with tiledLayout (only 2 axes to simplify the problem)
sda = tiledlayout(2,1);
but I am having problems with 'forcing' in the UIAxes into the tiles. They simply do not display in the tiledlayout.
I also thought about creating a tiledImage. But it is really slow to copy every UIAxes to the clipboard and then adding it to the tiledImage (command 'copygraphics(app.UIAxes2_x,'ContentType','image');' takes ~ 5 secs for each UIAxes to copy.), so that isnt an option neither.
Do you guys have any idea on how to tackle this problem?