How do I save a Matrix as a .grid file?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
ER200 2022년 4월 3일
답변: Arjun 2024년 10월 8일
I'd like to save a 56x2 matrix to a .grid file. Does anybody know if and how that works?

답변 (1개)

Arjun 2024년 10월 8일
Hi @ER200,
I understand that you want to save some data precisely a 56x2 matrix to .GRID file using MATLAB.
You can use “writematrix” function of MATLAB to do so but .GRID is not a recognized file type and hence it is not supported. As a workaround, you can use the “FileType” property of “writematrix” and treat your .GRID file as .TXT file and save it with .GRID extension.
You can refer to the example code below:
% Example 56x2 matrix
matrix = rand(56, 2); % Replace with your actual matrix
% Write the matrix to a .grid file, specifying the file type
writematrix(matrix, 'output.grid', 'FileType', 'text');
Kindly go through the documentation of “writematrix
I hope this helps!


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