Using readxls alldata option

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
jnaumann 2015년 1월 2일
댓글: jnaumann 2015년 1월 2일
I am using the readxls to import data into Matlab, the third output of which reads alldata - a subset of my data is as follows -
Some entries are double and some strings - I would like the data to be all in the same format (ideally a cell array of strings so I can use the unique function) however I am having some trouble. Does anyone know a way of achieving this?
Many thanks

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2015년 1월 2일
You could try using cellfun to convert each element of your cell array (the alldata from above) to a string, though I suppose the performance of using this function would depend upon the size of your array. For example,
S = { [332]
[380] };
will create the cell array of numbers and strings. We could then apply the following which will convert each element from a number to a string
V = cellfun(@(x)num2str(x),S,'UniformOutput',false);
Note that for those elements of S that are already strings, then num2str has no effect on that element, and so returns the identical string value. In our case, V becomes
V =
and you should be able to apply the unique function to get
ans =
Try the above and see what happens!
  댓글 수: 1
jnaumann 2015년 1월 2일
works perfectly thanks

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