How can I display the relevant pictures in Fig2 in real time after right-clicking to get the coordinate information from Fig1?
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hi everyone,
I have a 3d dimensional stack A and I want to mark some points in a selected image depth, e.g. A(:,:,100).
I implemented in Fig1 the function to achieve left-click on the mouse marked point.

Now I want to right-click to get its coordinates to view the contents of another section of the three-dimensional array, such as A(:,50,:),

and display it in Fig2 in real time.
But my result overwrites the picture in Fig1. Since I will right-click a lot, I don't want to pop up a figure every time I right click
Here is my code:
where stack is a 3 dimentional array, hFig is the the figure window opened in advance, input_image is a 2d section of stack in z direction.
function manual_select_zdirection(stack, hFig,input_img)
% input:
% img: the image which is needed to plot contril points
% You can use 'space' to adjust image contrast
ud_slice.stack = stack;
ud_slice.pointList = [];
ud_slice.pointHands1 = [];
ud_slice.pointHands2 = [];
ud_slice.pointText = [];
ud_slice.pointnum = 0;
ud_slice.getPoint = 1;
ud_slice.ref_size = size(input_img);
ud_slice.original_img = input_img;
% set(ud_slice.sliceAx, 'HitTest', 'off');
ud_slice.sliceAxy = axes('Position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9]);
hold(ud_slice.sliceAxy, 'on'); = imshow(input_img);
Fig2 = figure('Name','z image display');
set(, 'ButtonDownFcn', @(fig,event)MouseClickCallback(fig,event));
set(hFig, 'KeyPressFcn', @(fig,event)KeyboardHotkeyFcn(fig,event));
set(hFig, 'UserData', ud_slice)
% ------------------------------------------------
% Clicking function to register transform points
% ------------------------------------------------
function MouseClickCallback(fig,event)
f = get(get(fig, 'Parent'), 'Parent');
ud = get(f, 'UserData');
if strcmp(f.SelectionType,'alt')
clickX = round(event.IntersectionPoint(1));
clickY = round(event.IntersectionPoint(2));
yz = squeeze(stack(:,clickX,:));
yz = low_light_adjust(yz);
xz = squeeze(stack(clickY,:,:));
xz = low_light_adjust(xz);
xz = permute(xz,[2 1]);
elseif strcmp(f.SelectionType,'normal')
clickX = round(event.IntersectionPoint(1));
clickY = round(event.IntersectionPoint(2));
ud.pointList(end+1, :) = [clickX,clickY];
ud.pointHands1(end+1) = plot(ud.sliceAxy, clickX, clickY, 'ro', 'color', [0 0.5 0],'linewidth',2,'Marker','o','MarkerSize',12);
ud.pointHands2(end+1) = plot(ud.sliceAxy, clickX, clickY, 'ro', 'color', 'c','linewidth',1,'Marker','+','MarkerSize',6);
ud.pointnum = ud.pointnum + 1;
ud.pointText(end+1) = text(clickX,clickY,num2str(ud.pointnum),'Color','r');
set(f, 'UserData', ud);
% --------------------
% Respond to keypress
% use 'space' to adjust contrast
% --------------------
function KeyboardHotkeyFcn(fig,event)
ud = get(fig, 'UserData');
if strcmpi(event.Key, 'space') % adjust contrast
elseif strcmp(event.Key,'delete')
% disp('current transform points deleted')
% Try to delete only most recent point
if ud.pointnum == 0
disp('There are no more marked points!')
set(ud.pointHands1(ud.pointnum), 'Visible', 'off');
set(ud.pointHands2(ud.pointnum), 'Visible', 'off');
ud.pointHands1(ud.pointnum) = [];
ud.pointHands2(ud.pointnum) = [];
disp('transform point deleted')
ud.pointnum = ud.pointnum - 1;
set(fig, 'UserData', ud);
% --------------------
% Respond to keypress
% use 'space' to adjust contrast
% --------------------
function out = low_light_adjust(input)
out = imadjust(input,stretchlim(input),[0,1]);
Another choice is to show all of them in fig1 using subplot(221),subplot(222),subplot(223), but my marker function seems does not to work.
I sincerely ask for your help, thank you!
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
2022년 4월 2일
Merely issuing this command:
does not make Fig2 the current figure, which I think is your intent.
Instead, you can say:
(And you only need to do it the first time in MouseClickCallback - the second time, Fig2 will still be the current figure.)
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