How to increase MATLAB corrplot co-efficient precision ?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Nadatimuj 2022년 3월 26일
답변: vidyesh 2023년 12월 1일
How to increase the font size of correlation coefficients in MATLAB corrplot? Also, how to increase the precision of co-efficients in the plot?

답변 (1개)

vidyesh 2023년 12월 1일
Hi Nadatimuj,
I understand that you want to increase the font size and precision of coefficients in MALAB ‘corrplot.
Consider the following example:
data = randn(100, 3); % Example data
corr_matrix = corr(data); % Compute correlation matrix
h = figure;
corrplot(corr_matrix, 'type', 'Pearson' );
To access the required properties, there are two approaches:
1. Using Property Editor:
  1. Navigate to the "View" tab and select "Property Editor".
  2. In the Property Editor, click on the coefficient and then select "More Properties".
  3. Adjust the value in the 'String' parameter (to change precision) and the font size in the 'FontSize' parameter.
2. Using Figure Properties:
h.Children(i).Children(1).FontSize = desired_font_size; % to change font size
h.Children(i).Children(1).String = desired_string; % to change precision
Here, h.Children contains all axes of the figure in an array, and 'i' represents the index of the axes whose data point is to be modified.
Hope this answer helps.


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