How do I group excel data by a keyword?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen 2022년 3월 26일
댓글: Voss 2022년 3월 27일
In the excel sheet attached, there is a lithology column included (column D). I need to be able to group each row based on their lithology. (Muds group together, interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone) group together etc.). It seems to be a realitivly easy task but I'm quite new to matlab and I could not find other solutions by searching. Any help is appriciated.

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Voss 2022년 3월 26일
t = readtable('Alaska_1418.xlsx')
Warning: Column headers from the file were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers before creating variable names for the table. The original column headers are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.
Set 'VariableNamingRule' to 'preserve' to use the original column headers as table variable names.
t = 301×8 table
Hole Depth_mbsf_ MAJLith_Prefix MAJLith_PrincipalName BulkDensity_g_cm__ Porosity_v_v_ VoidRatio waterContent _____ ___________ __________________ __________________________________________ __________________ _____________ _________ ____________ {'A'} 0.74 {'diatom bearing'} {'mud' } 1.629 0.689 2.217 0.7648 {'A'} 2.25 {'diatom bearing'} {'mud' } 1.53 0.724 2.623 0.94034 {'A'} 4.16 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.792 0.577 1.367 0.49249 {'A'} 6.8 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 1.868 0.62 1.633 0.51502 {'A'} 8.27 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.874 0.619 1.624 0.51077 {'A'} 12.8 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 1.831 0.556 1.254 0.45177 {'A'} 16.7 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 1.885 0.528 1.118 0.40191 {'A'} 19.7 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 1.842 0.538 1.165 0.42694 {'A'} 22.71 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 2.141 0.289 0.406 0.16019 {'A'} 26.22 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.877 0.526 1.108 0.40208 {'A'} 28.83 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.858 0.539 1.169 0.42249 {'A'} 32 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.923 0.506 1.023 0.36854 {'A'} 35.74 {0×0 char } {'sand' } 2.102 0.57 1.328 0.38485 {'A'} 38.93 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 2.031 0.554 1.243 0.38767 {'A'} 41.3 {0×0 char } {'mud' } 1.959 0.571 1.329 0.4252 {'A'} 45.13 {0×0 char } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} 1.949 0.486 0.945 0.34274
[G,group_ID] = findgroups(t{:,4})
G = 301×1
6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 6
group_ID = 7×1 cell array
{'Mud' } {'clast-poor diamict' } {'diatom ooze' } {'interbedded mud(stone) and diamict' } {'interbedded silt(stone) and mud(stone)'} {'mud' } {'sand' }
% make a cell array of tables, one for each group:
n_groups = numel(group_ID);
new_t = cell(1,n_groups);
for ii = 1:n_groups
new_t{ii} = t(G == ii,:);
% look at the table for group 1:
ans = 3×8 table
Hole Depth_mbsf_ MAJLith_Prefix MAJLith_PrincipalName BulkDensity_g_cm__ Porosity_v_v_ VoidRatio waterContent _____ ___________ ______________ _____________________ __________________ _____________ _________ ____________ {'C'} 210.6 {0×0 char} {'Mud'} 2.016 0.44 0.787 0.28818 {'C'} 213.6 {0×0 char} {'Mud'} 1.961 0.465 0.869 0.32043 {'C'} 216.6 {0×0 char} {'Mud'} 2.019 0.449 0.816 0.29518
% look at the table for group 2:
ans = 14×8 table
Hole Depth_mbsf_ MAJLith_Prefix MAJLith_PrincipalName BulkDensity_g_cm__ Porosity_v_v_ VoidRatio waterContent _____ ___________ ______________ ______________________ __________________ _____________ _________ ____________ {'D'} 267.63 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.038 0.416 0.714 0.26456 {'D'} 270.4 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.034 0.435 0.771 0.28053 {'D'} 288.58 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 1.997 0.435 0.771 0.28734 {'F'} 289.74 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.029 0.439 0.782 0.2847 {'F'} 292.36 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2 0.465 0.869 0.31248 {'F'} 295.66 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.029 0.451 0.822 0.29481 {'F'} 299.8 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 1.975 0.448 0.813 0.3029 {'F'} 302.67 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.045 0.447 0.807 0.28795 {'F'} 305.15 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.022 0.448 0.811 0.29325 {'F'} 309.47 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.02 0.448 0.811 0.29372 {'F'} 386.85 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 1.942 0.427 0.747 0.29095 {'F'} 387 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 1.99 0.46 0.853 0.31029 {'F'} 393.07 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.042 0.44 0.785 0.28281 {'F'} 678.04 {'muddy'} {'clast-poor diamict'} 2.068 0.4 0.668 0.24726
  댓글 수: 4
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen 2022년 3월 27일
편집: Jacob Allen 2022년 3월 27일
So, the code works fine when I input it but why do only 3 'Mud' rows appear when in the actual excel there are much more than 3? I would need all of them listed out in a new table. Also, is there a way I could create a seperate table for each when I just run the code once?
Voss 2022년 3월 27일
'Mud' and 'mud' are diferent is why. It may be easiest to change the three 'Mud' to 'mud' in the Excel file, to be consistent with the others.
This code does already create a separate table for each group. All tables are in the cell array new_t

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